The Spirit House

A poem by Michael Andrés Herrera



A dirge for a summer missed;

Enter the ravenous beast,

Astray in a wintertide ruin.

Stalks liminal space, harvesting prey;

The embers of love, life and decay.



Poco a poco accelerando al allegretto

Though heartless once (a pedagogue, still)-

An unlikely host for latent good-

And yet

The beast nurtures the numinous, autumnal embers

Nesting, flittering within its core.

With newfound, gentle timidity,

It is released from its simian cage;

Freed from its primal frame.


Allegro vivace

Relinquishing perdition,

Now rebirthed a sweetened summer song.

Once sorrowed, scared and solitary,

“I, of the autumnal incandescence,

Dance within my rekindled heart.”


“…As I?

Nay, as we! Numina and beast,

Forgive, love and reside.

To rejoice every solstice,

Hitherto; hereafter.